Every day is visitation hour

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Time and Cryptography

We all are on a journey. Albeit, a journey’s end already determined before we got here. During the course of our lives, the Holy Spirit remains ever present, guiding, nurturing, and protecting. Under His watchful eyes are all inhabitants of Earth, all things present and all things to come. The alpha and the omega, the prince of peace. Who is this Holy Spirit?

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  
Matthew 28:19-20

Every day we wake, a new day. The beginning of another 12/2 countdown is another chance to do things better and more intelligently. You fell sleep the day before not knowing whether you will wake up, if you will ever wake up, but God sustained you and kept you alive to see a new day. Another day as the clock ticks from the early morning dew to sunrise to evening till sundown to the dark nights, and every breath you take with trillions of other living organisms are a testimony to your existence – your life. As the daily hour passes, you get closer and closer to the end of your mortal existence here on Earth.

Recorded History

Since the inception of human civilizations, individuals, communities, and nations have always sought meaning to their existence by creating environments fit for ideas’ implementation. When an environment has been developed and things put in place for each community to function, it is a natural cycle of creation for chosen characters to enter any timeline and disrupt the status quo. Mostly but not always from chaos, the messenger must deliver the message they have been called to deliver, by all means necessary. And it is only through disruptive interferences, timely effective progress have been introduced for the advancements of human civilizations.

Read In Search of Character and Calling for a heartfelt balancing on the ministry of historical records.

Ready Steady Preach

Okay, your call to discipleship, like ours, may have been conceived unexpectedly, it pleases God to choose your journey to Earth in this timeline, for such a shift like this.

The gathering shock of all this revelation, the level of sanitisation and authenticity it implied, hit me pretty hard.

Peter, a hot tempered Jew from a Pharisee’s perspective, a soldier of Christ from the Roman perspective, healed the sick by one simple touch, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and would also have conspirators consumed by his [Peter’s] words. Any version – Acts of the Apostles 5:1-11

Paul, a militant persona from a Pharisee’s perspective, a bond servant of Christ from the Roman perspective, fought the good fight of faith and destroyed every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. ‘We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ’, is not child’s play.

Released from the law, bound to christ

People from all nations, regardless of cultural background, economic status, social standing, and other boxes out there which defines, we are at a crossroad of an event that will shake the core of modern civilization to its very foundations. The wind is already whistling over the horizon.

I am breaking this good news early on, so the ready reader can stay well and prepared for this shift, bringing with it, a clean up of the atmosphere. Free mostly of foul pollutions and toxic spirits.

So who will bring a charge against God’s chosen people? Certainly not God — he is the one who causes them to be considered righteous!

Bible verse

Beloved, every day is visitation hour. So therefore, righteousness through grace, the messianic path, reminiscent of The Holy Bible’s account of the bridegroom rejoicing over his bride is a reminder to unconditional love, selflessness, and a call to serve. Believers, you all are admonished to remain vigilant and well prepared. He is coming.

XY Cheers! Drink to that

If you do not believe something is real, you will never go looking for it.

Friends, what else? Yeah, probably best to get your magnifier out before you go in, you’ll need it to read the real messages hidden in plain sight. Until our next publish, pray without ceasing. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit abide with you now and always.

Angel blessings!

What do you think about every day is visitation hour while the author preached about righteousness through grace, combined with the cryptic texts hidden in plain sight? Let us know in the comments section below.

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