12 Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Often have I told my friends the truth about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and have found myself wishing that I could give them a chance that would show them more of this truth which has been the delight of my youth, and to which I love to propagate, now that I am older. I declared my love for the gospel of our Lord and Savior through many preachings in the churches, to which I was sent as a servant of God through the power of the Cross, anointed without human hands, called upon by the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. Of course there are other ways of this call in the world, but most of them, at any rate, fill a different need from the one I felt. They are intended to appeal primarily to laypersons, though no one would deny that they are entitled to their share of these wonderful gospel stories. The Romans themselves thought so. Peter made known the gospel throughout the Jewish community, Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ to the world. This authority of the Church mirrors the old tales of renowned. From Sumerians, Egyptians, Cretans, Indus Valley to Babylonians, Ancient China, Greeks and Persians, The Celts, Scythians and Mongols, Romans to modern era, here is the education of man– beginning with the telling of stories. Bible stories and legends of the lives of the saints, formed the basis of all education.

Twelve gifts of the Holy Spirit as espoused in the gospel, I believe, never ceases to be a topic of deep interest. In early childhood they were the first food for the spirit, which a believer sucked in, as it were, with his mother’s milk. And as he grew older, he returned to them again on a higher plane when he was introduced to the masterpieces of the Church’s scribes. And later, when he grew to manhood, the deep mysteries of God flashed before his eyes on the stage of the Church theatre, both as a participant observer and a custodian of divine revelation.

Here, we need to remind ourselves that Christianity does not spring from Jewish-Christian sources alone, but is deeply rooted also in classical traditions.

Thus the entire education of the Jewish nation was welded into one unified system through the majesty and spiritual force which Bible stories exerted on all stages of the inner development of the individual.

This tradition has been an inexhaustible mine of treasure for the poetry and philosophy of the Romans and Greeks themselves and of modern civilization. Rome took over the story in its wake, with Petros being chosen as one. Thanks to their deep understanding and significance which remain relevant to all men to this day, either in simple tales or in the lives of all the people in the cycle of original works of art, a masterful retelling of stories, made accessible to readers of all ages.

Realizing this fact, we must reveal this world not only to the entrapped eyes of children but also to the more deeply searching vision of the young student, who is driven to probe for universal significance of these revelations.

The fact that the apostles of Christ were destined to be the leaders of a new era and the creator of western culture was certainly connected with its wealth of knowledge and the overwhelming amount of its demonstrated speculations about gods (key personalities), men (workmanship), and the world (audience), they were also the point of departure for all philosophical thoughts in direct opposition to the resurrected Christ, for the entire development of modern civilization.

So to speak, the examples presented here in my own language and style, made accessible to a wide circle of readers, have not been chosen at random. To me, Bible stories are the source of all wisdom and all knowledge of the past, they provide the answer to all the enigmas of life. To give a few examples of 12 gifts of the Holy Spirit, the author goes back to the most various Biblical sources. Then goes into future events unfolding. Many of the present examples are taken from tales of triumph, trials and tribulations, and the dramas of the main masters of chaos, Satan and his fallen angels.

Word or wisdom

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains– where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2

Word of knowledge

For it is by grace you have been saved through faith — And this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God– not by works, so that no one can boast.


β€œAbba, Father.”

Where Christ is seated

Receive the grace to pass with flying colors

Gifts of healing

Temitope Balogun Joshua and many more…


And the preeminence of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham: King of kings, Lord of lords. Every Royal household bloodlines and elementals worldwide, both East and West; North, South of the equator, geography is destiny.

“The grace to finish your mission has rested upon you, cardinals. Cardinalis.”

and to everyone reading, I like you to remember me in your prayers πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸ»


All evil schemes by the kingdom of darkness are thwarted in real time by the kingdom of light. Courageously, by divine inspiration, the prophetic instructs, A poignant reminder prophecy corrects, putting us right with God.

Distinguishing between spirits, discernment of spirits

Christ functioned at fullest capacity, 100% light. John 3:34

Peter, I believe, 99.9% functional (and carried on as far as his eyes could see).

The Holy Ghost helps to distinguish which voice is from God. Darkness is simply the absence of light. So, the capacity to see and hear mirrors the light intensity in you.


Celestial and terrestrial languages, and languages of various planetary bodies.

There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory.

Interpretation of tongues  (to these are added)

-gifts of Apostles

The disciples found themselves suffering for the sake of restoration. For the sake of renewal, a new way. They beat the apostles and warning them to stop preaching Christ. Of course the apostles will never stop. You might as well tell the sun to stop shining.


He catches the wise in their craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are swept away. Darkness comes upon them in the daytime; at noon they grope as in the night. He saves the needy from the sword in their mouth; he saves them from the clutches of the powerful.

Job 5:13-15


Apostles, prophets, teachers (Connected to the service of the poor and sick)

and government (or leadership ability) which are connected to with certain offices in the church

1 Corinthians 12

Romans 12

Ephesians 4

1 Peter 4

So far, then, our telling of the truth about Satan and his fallen angels seems to satisfy without difficulty the various elements which we would expect such a revelation to meet.

Government and their agencies

The horrors inflicted by the European Security and Exchange Commission as incomprehensible as they are revolting to the civilized mind, defy explanation in any conventional sense. The pattern of local hatred they reveal are unfamiliar to the public but the professional researchers who take the ‘barbarity’ of the London capital market as their subject of study.

It is our responsibility to expose ill will on the part of those who have a duty of care but abuse those they swore to protect.

To let light in upon ignorance and falsehood is a service to human understanding; a yet greater service is to show the way to an upland where the view of life is clearer. It is certain, therefore, that most readers will find profit in this post, if they read with the attention it merits.

All who read this post, if you read attentively, may come to be more than you were before.


Written by: Adegbola Adeyemo

Meditate on these 12 gifts of the Holy Ghost and remain steadfast in prayers until our next publication.

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May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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