Took what’s mine by eternal right

What was the hardest personal goal you’ve set for yourself?

Goal: Being the best person in the whole wide universe, a conduit of the force for change in the world. Took what’s mine by eternal right as something deep inside me rose 🌹 to the surface.

Outside influences: Knowing intuitively that there are dream fertilizers 🌹 and there are dream killers 🥀

Teamwork: Gravitation towards dream fertilizers and ensuring goals and objectives align. Ask questions and make success with your specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound (SMART) goals. Get consistent feedback from team members and evaluate the results going forward.

Respect opposition: As you make progress, your firm resolve will keep dream killers away. They become Irrelevant in time and naturally fall off. Show some respect and openness to future collaborations if they are willing to work with you. Assimilate the “dream killers” into the team and make them feel included as they learn more about your SMART goals. Communicate communicate communicate. If you don’t respect your time, don’t expect others to.

Values: Create value through scarcity. What is easily found can be as easy to discard. When you are valued, the dream fertilizers naturally gravitate towards you and encircle you in their path of growth. They are the catalyst for your success.

Harmony: Here’s the enabling environment for people to grow their own businesses within a given space, and for the community to grow together and co-exist in the peace of abundance so that future generations will enjoy the fruits of this labor, your labor. Safety, fairness, tolerance, and inclusion is key to building a sustainable future for all.

Angel blessings!

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