Standard Treatment at the Gateway: Ciao 👋🏼

Describe a phase in life that was difficult to say goodbye to.

I was praying: “Oh Lord, I still have so much to do, give me the grace to be a blessing to my generation” when my cousin David, and my uncle Josiah suddenly appeared in my studio. What was extraordinary about this passage is that it describes exactly the site, nature and significance of the familial. Perhaps the most striking account of their presence was the sanitation and spatial awareness. OKCleaning is part of our family of brands that use aura detergent with softener to easy iron any Habemus Papam inscribed apparel. THE CHOICE OF NAME TOOK uncle Josiah by surprise.


This phase, great heaps of work raised up for me as a witness, heaps of work synonymous with a peculiar part of any memorable event, and to preserve the remembrance of some matter of great importance. David was expecting to be met by a scene of pandemonium. In fact, the studio was unusually quiet, apart from the occasional sound of music from my Spotify playlists and other local stations. Josiah normally park a discreet distance away, silhouetted against the floodlit southern flank of Lavender Rise.

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As for the timing of this event, it reveals the first, weak rays of the rising sun where the hue is orange and the cloud is dark gray. After a little, just like any other celestial event, a family of stars veer off the track and take a path along the side, until they reach an area, wondering what has happened.

The gospels offer us the best explanation of the universe. The one name that appears right across the board is Abraham. He was evidently remembered as the first patriarch. There are two possible explanations for his prominence. The first is that he subsequently became a dominant personality in the act of faith, and so the birth —of the promised child—story exaggerate his role in the episode, masking the fact that Ishmael was born ‘legitimate’ as well. The second is that he was indeed the principal character in recovery procedure. True, only Lot’s wife, unable to resist a backward glance, fails to make good her escape.

But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe in the saving of the soul.

Hebrews 10:39 NKJV

The phase in life that is difficult to say goodbye to is modern civilization deceptions that formed a significant part of our collective history. Driven by a fear of loss, we take the wrong turns. Almost always the fear proves to be absolutely groundless. Each time you discover the truth about the story which has either been forgotten or lost in genealogy because of broken links, broken links deliberately crafted by a numerical ambiguity or an omission, occasionally, a friendly spirit tries to reach out. Possibly the most interesting and contentious aspect of the “Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers about the time they were carried away to Babylon. And they were brought to Babylon, Jeconiah begot Shealtiel, and Sheatiel begot Zerubabel” story is that a direct heir was born of a daughter-in-law.

I am of the opinion that we can go back in time from Abraham [1] and Sarah. Then Joseph and Mary [40] behind the locked doors of the Jews narrative which linked Zerubabel [30] with Abiud [31] to uncover how the greatest works are achieved through the deepest humility. As you look more closely at the gospel according to Matthew, His genealogy, baptism, messages, and miracles all point to the same inescapable conclusion: Christ is King. Even in His death, seeming defeat is turned to victory by the Resurrection to recover all that was lost in the temple.

If there is to be a messianic millennium, then it will be based on the efforts of imperfect physical men.

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The missing link 🔗 prescribed in Luke 1:5 as the division of Abijah [17] and the conceptual works of Jesus Christ born of Virgin Mary in Matthew 1:17 were the most important piece in the story of the early history of modern Christianity. Read backwards 10 generations from Joseph [40] to Abiud [31] and discover the imperfections of our world with God still being the First Cause. Descending from Abiud to the Messiah were Patriarchs unaware of their inheritance and their birthright. It therefore pleased God to make known the truth about the matter in due course.

I was solitary before, but now my solitariness becomes complete and awesome. Hence the dizziness, like vertigo. Like a statue on a plinth – that is how I live now.


At all events, it is no less than extraordinary that the culminating phase of the Messianic plan – Biblically described as the ‘kingdom of heaven’ is now set to begin, and may well be described as ‘the temple of God in the spirit’. Our heavenly Jerusalem descending from the cloud.


In this respect, our function is basically redemptive. The essence of our mission is to rescue, not to judge or cut off – in short, to ‘let the people pass through.’

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